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Health & Safety

Our Policies


Being on time for your session in the center, home or school is extremely important.

A $25.00 late cancellation fee will apply to sessions that are cancelled with less than 24 hours notice. The full total for the session will be charged for no call/no shows.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, call as soon as you are aware of the change. If we do not receive 24-hour notification of your cancellation or you fail to show for an appointment, then you may be charged for the appointment. If we arrive at your home and you are away or un-reachable for fifteen minutes, we will leave your home.


Safety Policies

The safety and health of clients and employees is a priority. Milestones Behavior Group makes every effort to comply with all federal and state workplace safety requirements. MBG’S workplace safety rules and regulations are the following:

No Smoking
No Weapons
No tolerance for drugs or alcohol



Health and Illness Procedures


In order for children to have a successful year at MBG, their health is important. A child should not receive therapy if he/she shows any signs of illness the night before or in the morning prior to attending. If your child shows any of the following symptoms while attending the center, he/she will be isolated in the lobby or an unoccupied room under the supervision of a staff member until a parent or guardian arrives to pick up the child. We will make every effort to reach the parents of an ill child by the telephone numbers listed on the Emergency Contact Form. If the parents cannot be reached personally within one half hour, we will begin trying to reach the listed emergency contacts by phone until someone is reached to come and get the child. In addition, we will send children and/or staff home if any of the health and illness signs are present.

A child cannot be sent to the center and cannot receive in-home or school ABA when:

  • The child is unusually lethargic or irritable.

  • The child is in a contagious state of a communicable disease.

  • The child has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher.

  • The child has an unexplained rash.

  • The child has open skin sores.

  • The child has diarrhea or has been vomiting within the last 24 hours.

  • The child has discharging eyes or ears, or has profuse nasal drainage or congestion.

  • The child has head lice or nits present on hair or scalp, and has not yet obtained a written release from a health care professional.

Each child must have an Emergency Contact and Medical Information form on file. It is necessary that accurate, up to date information be on file for each child. Should a change occur in telephone numbers, doctors or the person to call in case of an emergency, please notify the Director, Supervisor or Office Manager to immediately update this information.

In the event a child is exposed to a communicable illness or disease while at MBG, a letter will be sent home as soon as possible detailing what occurred and what actions, if any, need to be taken before returning the child to education and/or treatment.

If a child is on an antibiotic for an illness, they must be taking the medication for 24 hours before returning to education and/or treatment.



Parent Responsibilities 


Parents may observe their child’s session in the center as a means of receiving information about their child’s progress. All visits must be scheduled prior with the therapist.

Therapists may request that parents do not enter the area where the in-home therapy is taking place until a specific part of the session. This is done in an effort eliminate distractions.

Parents are responsible for reviewing the Clinical Note.

Parents are responsible for implementing homework assignments if applicable and providing documentation to MBG about performance or concerns in a timely manner.

Parents may request program changes at any time by contacting the BCBA on the case.

Additional services may be available for a child to aide in generalization and further communication from the center program to the home or school. It is the parent’s responsibility to request information about current available services, and formally establish plans with MBG to access these.

In addition, parents may send notes or a communication notebook in their child’s backpack to inform the staff of any important and prominent issues.

We encourage all parents to call or ask for meeting with the Supervisor if there are any concerns about their child’s experience at the center. We ask parents to please be sensitive to the time spent with their therapists or BCBA’s at drop off and pick up particularly due to other children, their next session, lunch, or other duties. We recommend you arrive 15 minutes before the end of your child’s session to be able to discuss their session with their therapist. 



Credit Card Authorization​

Timely payment of invoices including direct therapy charges, supervision, program updates, cost-share, patient responsibility and co-pays is expected. Payment is due in full exactly 14 days from the date the invoice is sent. If payment is not received on time clients allow Milestones to charge the credit card on file. Failure to provide timely payment of invoices will result in an interruption in services until the invoice is paid in full. Services may also be terminated due to failure to pay. 




1280 Columbiana Rd, Ste 101, Birmingham, AL  |  205-253-6903​

22660 Canal Rd., Orange Beach,  AL  |  251-609-5199


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